Customer Details
You will receive all invoices via this email. If you wish to receive your invoice by an alternate method please contact our Customer Help Centre.
Physical Address
Shipping Address
NBN Details
$15 per month. 24 Month Contract.
$10 per month. 24 Month Contract.
Ship modem to Address
Appointment time is not guaranteed and is subject to availability.
NBN Voice Details
A Business Services Consultant will contact you regarding obtaining a copy of your current provider's invoice.

Each voice plan has its own phone number.
Credit Check
Credit Check Assessment
We may conduct credit checks on you or your organisation. If you are an individual, you understand and agree to the following:
  • Information we disclose to a credit-reporting agency The Privacy Act allows us to give a credit-reporting agency certain personal information about you. The information we disclose to a credit reporting agency includes permitted information which will allow you to be identified, the fact that you have applied for credit and the amount, the fact that we are a current credit provider to you, repayments that are more than 60 days overdue and for which debt collection action has started, information that in our opinion you have committed a serious credit infringement that is, acted fraudulently or shown an intention not to comply with your credit obligations.
    We will obtain a credit report from a credit-reporting agency containing information about your personal credit worthiness for the purpose of assessing your application and assisting in collecting overdue payments. We will also obtain information about your commercial activities or commercial credit worthiness from any business, which provides information about the commercial credit worthiness of persons, your accountant or any other supplier to you.
  • Information we may pass on to credit providers and reporting agencies. We will give to any credit provider named in your authority form or in a credit report on you issued by a credit reporting agency, information about your credit arrangements for the purposes of assessing your application, notifying a default by you, allowing another credit provider to ascertain the status of your arrangements with us where you are in default with one or more other credit providers and generally assessing your credit worthiness. The information exchanged can include any information about your personal and/or commercial credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity, which the Privacy Act allows credit providers to give to or receive from each other.
Community Enterprise
Payment Options

Once your order has been completed you can set up a variety of payment methods. You will have access to our online customer portal SmartCentre where you can arrange a variety of payment options:

  • Direct Debit via Mastercard, Visa or direct from a bank account.

You can also pay upon recieving your invoice via:

  • Paying your monthly account via Mastercard or Visa on SmartCentre.
  • BPAY (Biller codes will be found at the bottom of your invoice)
  • By PHONE with our friendly Customer Support team.
  • In PERSON at any Bendigo Bank Branch.
Customer Details
Name: First Name, Last Name
Email Address:
Contact Number:
Physical Address: , ,
Shipping address:
, ,
Order Details
Terms & Conditions


I am authorised to order this service and declare that the information provided by me on this form is true and correct. I acknowledge and agree that:

  • Services provided subject to Standard Form of Agreement
    The equipment and services (Services) are provided by Bendigo Telco subject to the Standard Form of Agreement. This is a standard form of agreement for the purposes of part 23 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cwlth) as filed with the Australian Communications and Media Authority from time to time.
  • Abiding by terms of the Standard Form of Agreement
    I have read, or I have been given the opportunity to read, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions set out in the Standard Form of Agreement.
  • Invoicing for services
    Bendigo Telco will invoice me or my organisation for the Services according to current fees and prices as set out in this application form and the Schedule of Charges provided with this authority. Charges outlined within the attached Schedule of Charges document may be incurred in accordance with the applicable clause of the Standard Form of Agreement (SFOA). (These may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms of the Standard Form of Agreement.) I or my organisation accepts full liability for all such fees and charges.
  • Early termination
    If I or my organisation have agreed to receive a Service from Bendigo Telco for a Fixed Term, and I cancel the Service before the expiry of the Fixed Term, I or my organisation will be required to pay Bendigo Telco any usage charges incurred up to, and including, the cancellation date plus an Early Termination Fee and any applicable unpaid Equipment Charges and/or Installation Fees, as set out in the Schedule of Charges.
  • Authority to consent to our disclosing personal information
    I am authorised to consent to Bendigo Telco using and disclosing the personal information contained in this authority form in accordance with Clause 6 of the Standard Form of Agreement. This includes disclosure of name, address, telephone service number and other public number customer details for inclusion in the Integrated Public Number Database (IPND) for the management and verification of telephone numbers, assistance to emergency services and law enforcement agencies and for other approved purposes.
  • Notify changes to information
    I or my organisation will notify Bendigo Telco of any changes to the name, address, telephone service number and other information provided in this authority form.
  • Acceptable Use Policy
    My use of services is subject to Bendigo Telco's Acceptable Use Policy (a copy of which is available at Failure to comply with these terms may result in the restriction, suspension or termination of the services.
  • Acceptance of application
    This application is deemed accepted by Bendigo Telco at the time the Services are activated, subject to any statutory cooling-off period that cannot be excluded under applicable state or territory laws and industry codes.

Privacy Statement

I am authorised to order this service and declare that the information provided by me on this form is true and correct. I acknowledge and agree that:

  • I understand and agree that in order to provide me with the Services specified on this form, Bendigo Telco may need to disclose personal information about me or persons within my organisation. Bendigo Telco may disclose any information it collects to the extent reasonably necessary in order to provide you with the Services you have requested in this form.
  • If you are an individual we will collect personal information about you. If you are signing for, or on behalf of an organisation, we may collect personal information about you and persons within your organisation. Where we collect such information, Clause 6 of the Standard Form of Agreement contains provisions about the use of your personal information by Bendigo Telco.
  • A summary of Clause 6 of the Standard Form of Agreement is set out in the Summary provided to you. You should also read the provisions in the Standard Form of Agreement. By signing this authority form you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to those provisions.
  • Where we collect information about persons within your organisation, we may use and disclose such information to the extent reasonably necessary to provide your organisation with the Services under this agreement. This right is in addition to those provided in the SFOA.

Premium Services

  • Premium Services are provided by third-party content providers, and Bendigo Telco accepts no responsibility for the substance, type, quality, classification, condition or fitness for any purpose of the content provided. I consent (e.g. by sending a Premium SMS to request content) to the charges for that service to appear on my invoice with Bendigo Telco.
  • Premium Services are in addition to normal mobile and/or fixed line services.
  • The equipment and services by which I access Premium Services are provided by Bendigo Telco subject to its Standard Form of Agreement.
  • I will not intentionally allow a person under the age of 18 to use my account to access agerestricted content.
  • The charges for Premium Services will be included on and invoiced to me as part of my normal account.
  • Bendigo Telco will invoice me for the Premium Services on behalf of the content provider.
  • The charge for the Premium Service will be notified to me in any advertisement, marketing or promotion for the service and not by Bendigo Telco.
  • I accept full liability for all such fees and charges for Premium Services.

Signup Error

Sorry for the inconvienence but an error has occured, please try again later or contact us directly.

Your Order Details

Please choose a plan in the product details section

We have received your order!

We have emailed you a confirmation of your purchase order.

Confirmation Number: #

Next step:
To ensure you’re eligible we will review your details against our credit policy and email you the outcome.
Receiving your SIM:
Your SIM will be delivered to you within 5 - 10 business days once your order has been approved.
We will deliver your SIM using Australia Post.
Your Tracking Number:
We’ll email you the details with your SIM tracking as soon as possible.
If your package doesn’t arrive:
You can check your SIM whereabouts using your tracking number at
Still not sure? Give us a call on 1300 228 123 and we will be able to help.